Performance Blogging Welcome

Welcome to the World of Performance Blogging! If you watched the Keystone video, then you heard all about the income potential Performance Blogging creates for anyone who is willing to follow basic instructions. Most importantly, the Performance Blogging System (PBS) is the solution for creating MULTIPLE, LONGTERM, LEGACY income for people from all walks of life! So now it’s time to get started and let your PBS work for you. Investing in your very own Performance Blogging System is not only a smart decision financially, but the best investment in your PERSONAL self. You’ll see, because you are now part of a TEAM of successful GO-GETTERS! You are at the right place, at the right time, and on the path to Financial and Time Freedom!

It’s GO TIME!! All you need to do is commit and follow the system. This is a proven system that duplicates success time and time again. In fact, you get step-by-step training and mentoring to ensures duplication and success. No need for high tech computer skills or writer experience to be successful here. We just need you to show up, do the work, and enjoy working from home on your terms! So relax, be teachable, and follow your instructor’s lead. After all, we were in your shoes once, and because we know the vision here with RRR247, we commit to PAYING IT FORWARD and helping people like you achieve financial freedom. We know the training steps well because we’ve taught them over and over again. Yes, we’ve pretty much narrowed it down to a science! We know what it takes to get you where you want to be!

WARNING: You may experience negative side effects, such LITTLE OR NO INCOME should you choose to do things your way!

OK, that was just a little added humor! BUT SERIOUSLY, it is in your best interest to follow the system! There will be NO bypassing any of the training steps along the way because THIS REALLY IS A SYSTEM THAT WORKS RIGHT WHEN IT’S DONE RIGHT! It is also important to follow the steps in order so that you earn while you learn! This is the solution you are looking for, so please just follow the system and don’t overthink it or complicate things. The best thing you can do is get out of your own way of thinking and do whatever you need to do to MAKE THIS WORK! It’s much like baking the perfect cake recipe without missing a STEP or omitting KEY ingredients. We’ll help you assemble the perfect system for financial success, without missing a step!

A System Created By The Online Marketing Guru

Alright, maybe you feel a tiny bit nervous entering the World of Performance Blogging? That’s completely understandable and quit normal. It also shows that you have human emotions, which is a good thing. It will bring personality into your writing! So we’ll just move past the jitters and give you credit for taking the step to improve your financial future! And rest assure, you have the greatest TEAM and SUPPORT backing you, starting with the creator of this amazing system himself, Mr. Rory Ricord.

That’s why Rory wants to share his heart and core values with you from the very start: SO GO HERE AND LISTEN NOW! You will want to listen to this as often as you need to Re-Set, Re-Focus, & Re-Commit to your financial goals! Even more, Download Rory’s FREE ebook to learn more from the Marketing Guru! Just use coupon code “freedom” at checkout. This is a great to listen to while driving, working out, or doing chores and guaranteed to get you excited about your future with RRR247!

Get READY And SET Up For Performance Blogging

Now that you know Rory’s heart and our Core Values, let’s get to the basics of organization with Performance Blogging. Organization saves time! If you know where things are, and are set up properly to perform tasks, you get more done. When you get more done, you make more income! So please follow the steps below to ensure you are off to a good start:

  • Register to receive emails from Rory to stay up-to-date and informed with important information regarding your PBS. If you find that you are not receiving them, check your spam, promotions, or junk folder!
  • Go to Rory’s Facebook page and connect with him there.
  • Create a new Gmail to use for posting Ads and setting up Affiliate programs. It is helpful to use a separate email for Performance Blogging that is not overrun with personal or other items.
  • Join me in Skype. Also, make sure you add Mentor Administration (Tanya & Rory) to your Skype contacts so they know you are a new addition to our family. We will be communicating and share screening in Skype often! So please make sure your computer is set up for Skype (microphone/video/share screen) and everything is working properly. YouTube videos are great for giving you more insight.

Tools to Use:

  • Download Dropbox, a cloud storage system that Rory uses to share files, templates and photos with students.
  • Download ZOOM for FREE to access our all business calls and training webinars by video conference.
  • Make sure Google Chrome is your DEFAULT computer browser. It works best for what we do!
  • Learn how to Bookmark in Google Chrome for ease of Navigation and Organization.
  • Know how to use your computer keyboard to “Copy & Paste” to make inserting links and posting Ads easier and more time efficient.

Communication Is Key To Success So Just ASK

performance blogging

If you have any questions regarding ANYTHING here, don’t hesitate to ASK!! Communication is key to your success, and we link you to your instructor and other top instructors in our chat groups so your questions will always be answered efficiently and in a timely manner.

We realize this is all new to you, and you may even feel like a fish out of water. So knowing where you are with the training (or even how you feel) is important to us. As long as you communicate, show up for all the trainings, and stay engaged, YOU WILL SUCCEED HERE!

Time To Navigate Your Performance Blogging System

As you read this page, you are getting a glimpse of Inspiration For Everyday Living, and the general framework of PBS. It is our hope that you value your system for everything it is designed to accomplish for you financially. In other words, don’t ever give up on building the income you desire! Your system is designed to work for you 24/7, weekends, and holidays as long as you build it according to the training. It will never complain, call off, or give you a two-week notice of resignation! So appreciate it as your best employee ever, be patient with the system, and watch it produce the most amazing incomes and online experience that viewers will want to always visit. Make Rory proud!

So have you logged into your Performance Blogging System yet? Remember, we use Google Chrome because it works best for what we do! And DON’T change your password! When you log into your system using the admin address, you will always see your Dashboard first. Disregard the message: “Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to install the TSW Custom Profile Plugin“. We will leave all the technical details like this to the amazing techs we have on our team! Next, You will see a menu to the left of your Dashboard. In the menu, you will see the word “Update.” If there is a number next to update, go ahead and select it to perform the update. Simple enough to keep your system always up to date!

The Home Page, Menu & Category Pages

Now I’m sure you want to see what others see when they go to your Performance Blogging System. So look for the big “W” icon in the top left corner of your Dashboard. Next to the “W” is a little house icon. Hover your computer mouse over the little house until you see “Visit Site” and select it. Now you are at your Home page (also referred to as a Post). This page welcomes viewers into your PBS and gives them an idea of what to expect as they browse. You can also read what Rory states in the Affiliate Disclosures to help viewers understand what we do as members of RRR247. Last, you may have noticed your Site Identity or site title. So start thinking about a new one. This is your chance to show the world an amazing online experience with PBS, so make it a good one!

From here, take a look at all the categories listed on the menu from A to Z, starting with “Arts & Entertainment”. We urge you to keep them exactly the way you see them because Rory knows they are what we need to be successful. Within each category is a brief description of each offer or product. For example, under the “Cooking Food Wine” category, one of the products is Fine Wines. As you navigate through all the categories, you will find a full description of each offer or product. It’s similar to an encyclopedia or book that begins with a table of contents and then lists everything inside of it. We always aim for organization and easy navigation with our systems. This makes our viewers want to stay and visit often.

First Mission Accomplished Now On To The Training

So hopefully you’ve gained some good insight into Performance Blogging here that will motivate you towards success as a member of RRR247! Remember, your PBS is the gateway to multiple streams of income and you will learn them ALL as you follow Rory’s system. This is just the beginning of a great partnership and support system for years to come! As you learn and grow incomes with us, you will become more excited about the future! Most of all, you will actually ENJOY what you do, and the lifestyle that comes with it! See YOU in the training!!

Remember, Performance Blogging is a step-by-step training SYSTEM designed to work in a specific order to ensure you make income while you learn. We will provide you with all the support and training resources you need to succeed. NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND! If you don’t have a Performance Blogging System, GET YOURS AND START EARNING!