Collagen Peptides For Youth

The secret to looking and feeling younger with collagen peptides is out. So we want you to have the best collagen peptides for youth in one delicious Gelée! Yes, a premium, edible, satisfying Gelée, but we’ll get to that later. Just know that it everything you need to nourish your body and hydrate thirsty cells. And it’s all to restore, repair, and keep you youthful! Even more, your transformation begins the moment you take it! 


collagen peptides

Yup…We did it again…another amazing addition to our Biohacking line of amazing products! This collagen peptide formula is just what your body needs (on the cellular level) for greater muscle tone, strength and endurance. All while making you look radiant, with silky-smooth, hydrated skin. Talk about nourishment from the Inside-Out! This is truly our go-to product for youth and vigor. And you need to get this!

Don’t Wait…Restore Your Youth Now!!

If you could only reverse time…right? Or maybe time travel backwards? All to hold on to your youth. What could you have done better (diet, sleep, exercise, skin routine) to lessen the inevitable signs of aging? Where in the world did those wrinkles, crows feet, saggy skin, cellulite or dimples come from? Why didn’t anyone just give you their Youthful 101 secrets? Well, whatever you are questioning, or however you feel, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING TO RESTORE YOUTH NOW

The fact is there are many reasons why our bodies lose collagen and age over time. But luckily we can trust the science behind biohacking and collagen peptides to give us the power to fight back! Even more, keep it at bay for years to come! That’s good news and definitely something to look forward to everyday! Taking back control – looking and feeling vibrant – is better living! And that’s what we are all about here.

Let’s face it, the real bummer would be to overlook what’s available for you right here right now! Don’t let another day go by without gaining all the benefits of collagen peptides and a more Youthful YOU! After all, you’re just getting started with all we have here. So we want you to enjoy it all and have youth and vitality for years to come!

But wait! Make no mistake. This is not just about holding on to your youth for the “look” of it. No, this goes much deeper than that! It’s about gaining a new sense of self confidence in your body as it regains stamina and strength. For example, your joints get more lubrication, offering better flexibility to get more done! Like those DIY projects that you’ve been putting off. Or maybe you just want to feel good enough to take nature walks or have energy to go on your next dream vacation. Well, your skin, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments will ALL be supported by collagen peptides so you can accomplish it ALL and perform as you should!

Collagen Peptides For Beauty And More

Collagen is not just for warding off the physical signs of aging you see when you look in the mirror. No, collagen is more vital to our bodies in that it literally holds together just about everything! It basically makes us human elastic bands capable of moving and bending with ease, and not breaking and shattering into pieces. PHEW! That’s a relief and something we could all use more of! Especially because our bones can deteriorate as we lose collagen sources. Furthermore, collagen lubricates joints, helping to alleviate stiffness and pain.

Hey, your body is your vehicle for life. And you only get one. So choose collagen peptides as your fuel to go the distance! 

And of course we want you to always look your best. So if you are searching for a natural way to strengthen your skin, hair and nails – collagen peptides support this too! Especially when it comes to skin hydration and promoting silky-smooth skin! It also promotes stronger, thicker, healthier hair to compliment just about anyone’s look and heighten self-confidence. After all, we’ve all noticed how much older someone can appear with thinning hair. And let’s face it, brittle-looking nails do not speak “healthy” either. At least in comparison to strong, healthy-looking nails. Neither are they safe because they break easily, sometimes leading to pain and sensitivity. Ouch! No thank you! So maintaining stronger and healthier skin, hair and nails is achievable when you have the right nutrient-packed collagen peptide formula!   

A Safe Backed-By-Science Collagen Supplement

collagen peptides

Our bodies lose collagen as we age. It’s one of those things that’s beyond our control. And unless you are serving up a hearty feast of food sources with collagen regularly, you probably aren’t getting enough. Even more, who has time for that! Therefore, it just makes sense to skip all the guesswork, and supplement with collagen. Especially a collagen peptide formula that’s easy to take – no pill to swallow or powder to mix or gulp down! And because we have the most tasty formula, a serving or two a day is not a problem. Best of all, this collagen formula is safe to consume without harmful risks or side effects.

You get all the benefits of looking and feeling younger in one delicious single-serving Snap-Pack! It’s easy to consume for anyone on-the-go, at the office or gym, or even on vacation. This is a mouth-pleasing collagen peptides Gelée style – fun and convenient to use anywhere anytime! Chill it in the fridge, and you’ve set yourself up for a tasty, cool treat! This is definitely an out-of-the-box, innovative, and fun way to treat your body oh so good!

Just Snap ‘N Squeeze directly into your mouth – no need to shake, stir, or blend. It’s that simple!

Now you can certainly eat plenty of eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits to get your daily amount of collagen. But it’s better to have the right proportion and benefits in a convenient Snap-Pack. After all, we want you to have time for everything else that makes life better, rather than spending valuable time shopping and cooking. It also takes the hassle out of finding quality food sources.

And There’s More To This Formula Than Collagen Peptides

And the benefits don’t stop with collagen. You get a power-packed formula in one single Snap-Pack, including additional ingredients:

D Biotin Pure

You may have already heard the many benefits of Biotin, such as hair growth. Well, its benefits go beyond that for healthy skin and hair with D Biotin! In fact, D Biotin Pure (known as vitamin B7) is potent and essential in helping break down carbohydrates and amino acids for energy. Even more, it makes your nerves, liver, eyes, hair and skin better! 

S7 Nitric Oxide

This is nitric oxide (NO) boosting power for your body! It signals your body to produce nitric oxide. And since we lose it as we age, this is essential for gaining it back to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to where you need it most! This is fuel for your body and mind! And it’s all plant-based, consisting of seven ingredients, including green coffee bean extract, turmeric extract, tart cherry blueberry, broccoli and kale. 

Um Um Good Superfood and Fuel for the Body. Power to Restore Youth.

Aronia Berries

The name is mouth-watering in itself! And the results? Well, let’s just call them SUPER-berries, because they fight off the bad stuff that damages your cells! Yes, their rich antioxidants create a shield from free radical damage and oxidative stress. They are also a great source of fiber, manganese and vitamin C for heart health and a healthy immune system. This superfood is a key ingredient and here to stay!

collagen peptides


NMN – short for Nicotinamide mononucleotide – has been shown to lessen the harmful effects of age-related diseases, oxidative stress, immune response, and inflammation. It promotes healthy function of cells, including mitochondrial function, DNA repair, and gene expression. It’s survival and restoration for your cells!

Rosa Roxburghii

This plant-based extract is a great source of antioxidants for the skin, especially Vitamin C. It’s health-promoting effects have been proven for decades in Chinese medicine. It’s immune and antioxidant boosting power for the body, protecting it against oxidative stress and free radicals.


Short for superoxide dismutase, SODs protect your skin against those stubborn signs of aging and free radical damage. It’s antioxidant power for the body to maintain cellular health and healthy skin. It helps in the prevention of  wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. SODs may also help with inflammation and repairing of damaged skin and scar tissue. 

Let Biohacking Science Work For You

WOW! That’s a lot of fancy words and knowledge in a Snap-Pack! But we want to make sure you know how power-packed it truly is! It’s all about living your best life and letting biohacking science work for you! And we don’t stop here. While making sure you get the right amount of collagen, make sure you get enough sleep to burn calories and fat! These experts in science know what they are doing, and this is all backed by careful study and research. After all, we need brain power for so many other things in life. So take advantage of all the resources we make available here to save you time and hassle.

And now you know all the benefits of collagen peptides and the convenience of it all in a delicious, convenient Snap-Pack! And thus, you have the knowledge and the power to fight the signs of aging – Inside and Out! We know you will see amazing results just like we did, and make this your fountain of youth for years to come! Youth, vibrancy, flexibility and strength is yours in a premium Gelée, so don’t wait to experience is all!