Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock.

Everyone wishes (at least once) that they could soar in the air like Mike…right? Well, now’s your chance to make that wish a reality and SHAKE THE RIM! Become the next dunking machine no matter how tall or athletic you are. Take the challenge that has proven to benefit over 20,000 people and counting. Don’t just dream of soaring like Mike…sore like Mike! We have a Vertical Jump Training System that has been proven to both VERT SHOCK and mind shock the biggest skeptics. Its unlike anything you have ever seen before and proven to BOOST YOUR HOPS! Get BIG results in as little as a few days. And is less than eight weeks, you can increase your jump a whopping 9-15+ inches. Take your game to the next level and your team to the championships .Or just be the envy of your friends at the neighborhood court. Either way we got you…it’s time to THROW DOWN! Pump up the VOLUME! GO HERE to see 100% REAL RESULTS from real people like you!

Tried everything to increase your vertical jump but nothing’s worked? Well…

“You CAN Dunk In Less Than 8 Weeks!!!…”

…by adding up to 9 – 15 inches to your vertical jump with our proven secrets, guaranteed.

There are many “wanna-be” training programs out there that promote heavy squats, crazy box jumps, and annoying deadlifts. These are pointless and may even kill your vertical! The “YouTubers” who promote these JUNK programs have no science to back them up like the REAL DEAL VERT SHOCK System. At the end of the day, they just want clicks and hits. Adam Folker, creator of the VERT SHOCK Systemhad a personal passion to improve his vertical jump. And he wants to help others who have the same passion and personal stories.

…Just Imagine Hearing The Roar Of The Crowd When You Take Off On The Fast Break And Throw Down A Rim-Wrecking Showtime Dunk!


Hey Adam,Just wanted to say thanks for Vert Shock. I’m only in the 8th grade but I’m 6’2″ so everyone expects me to be able to dunk.At first I was skeptical, but decided to give it a try.This stuff actually works. I’m only 2 weeks into Vert Shock and I just threw down my first dunk ever!! I went from hardly being able to touch rim to DUNKING!Thanks man,Josh

Hey Adam,Just wanted to say Vert Shock is helping me so much.I threw down my first ever dunk and I can even dunk off 2 feet now!Thank you sooo much for this program!Holden

Thank you Vert Shock!My vertical has exploded and I am dunking consistently now!Vert Shock is one of thebest programs out there and I want to thank Adam for helping me achieve my dream of dunking.Clifford

Adam,First, I’m going to start by saying I was a lil skeptical of the program. But after nearly 2 hours sitting in traffic, I decided to give it a try!After starting Vert Shock let me tell you – the results are amazing. For a player who didn’t even average 1 minute of playing time in high school your program helped me make a professional roster!Paul  

Adam Folker with Kobe Bryant

Maybe you have been sitting the bench or feel that you haven’t challenged yourself to be better. Well, it’s time to get you, your school and maybe even your whole city to see the NEW ANDIMPROVED YOU! You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. By upping your game, you increase your chances of playing time, that starter spot and BEING NOTICED. In order to be the best you have to TRAIN SMART and go from Ordinary to EXTRAordinary. 

Maybe you’ve heard of Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, who was on TNT’s hit show The DunkKing? He currently holds the title as the World’s #1 Highest Dunker. He also received first place at the Nike World Dunk Contest. VERT SHOCKactually allowed him to take his dunks to a whole new level…50.1 inches to be exact!!

Here’s a picture of him accepting the first-place trophy at the Nike World Dunk Contest alongside LeBron and Anthony Davis. So whether you want to be like Mike or Justin, we have the training plan all mapped out. The rest is up to YOU!

Hey, Adam Folker here…

Okay, so I know this might sound far-fetched to you, and you’re probably pretty skeptical, but below I’m going to explain precisely how I, Adam Folker, as well as Justin Darlington and so many of our athletes, have added up to 9 – 15 inches to our vertical jumps – not in months, but within days and weeks.

So even if you’re short, un-athletic, tried every program and gimmick before, never dunked a ball in your life, are SUPER skeptical or already have a decent-sized jump, I’m about to show you 100% irrefutable proof that you too can add serious inches to your vertical.

Let the New 60-day ELITE Vertical Trainer show you how to safely reach your dunking abilities and boost your confidence. Adam Folker used to play NCAA Division I basketball and later went on to play in the pros. He has traveled all around the world and played against some of the best players. It became real to Adam that in order to be an explosive player, a High Vertical was A MUST!! Height alone cannot do it. The 3 Steps in the VERT SHOCK system made him EXPLOSIVE! And YOU can become Explosive too with is Special Exercises.

The Proof is in the Science…And It Is SAFE!

Bottom line is Adam refused to be average and found the secret in becoming Explosive! He spent over 10,000 hours learning and refining his system and knows how to target specific muscles in the legs. He actually put to test the science he learned in a Russian training scientific journal. This is proven science that will literally turn your muscle fibers into rubber bands and strengthen your elastic fibers. Adam found out that the Russians received many Olympic Jump Medals by strengthening the elastic fibers in their legs. It took Adam over five years to test and research of a Russian sports scientist, Dr.Verkhoshansky. Talk about determination! Adam even got a Professional Strength and Conditioning Certification in the process. He will even send you a link to download all of his research and See For Yourself How This Is Proven science. There is no need to go to the gym